
The latest news from Meyer Music and interesting stories from around the Kansas City band and orchestra scene.

The Lifelong Benefits of Learning an Instrument

What Parents Should Know As a parent, you want to give your child opportunities that will enrich their lives and set them up for success in school and later in life. One of the best opportunities is enrolling them in band or orchestra class. Learning to play a musical instrument is proven to have several benefits that go far beyond the music room. From cognitive and emotional development to social skills and lifelong enjoyment, the advantages never end. If your student wants to pursue band or orchestra, doing so can positively impact his/her/their life now and years from now. A...

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Servicing and Repairs: Prepare Your Instrument for a Harmonious Season

Servicing and Repairs: Prepare Your Instrument for a Harmonious Season As summer approaches, it's time to think about the well-being of your musical instrument. Whether you're a student, a professional musician or an avid enthusiast, Spring and Summer are perfect times to consider taking your instrument into Meyer Music for servicing and repairs. Trusting your instrument to our skilled technicians will ensure that it's in prime condition for the upcoming season, allowing you to make the most of your musical pursuits. Why Should You Service Your Instrument? Over time, musical instruments experience wear and tear. Regular usage, changes in temperature...

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Practice and Preparation are Keys to Success in School Music Contests

When we think of school bands and orchestras, we might associate them with sporting events or concerts, but spring is the time when band and orchestra students prepare for spring competitions. Contests for concert bands, ensembles and solo performers fill the spring semester’s music calendar, which for many young musicians reaches its crescendo with a state music festival in April. Some high notes from school band directors Matt Bradford, band director at DeSoto High School in DeSoto, Kansas, tells us, “Contests give band members many opportunities to perform. We emphasize playing in small ensembles because it helps students prepare. Practice...

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The Joy of Gifting a Piano for the Holidays: An Everlasting Melody

As the holiday season approaches, many of us embark on a quest to find that perfect gift, one that brings joy and lasting memories. Amidst the myriad of options, a piano stands out as an extraordinary choice. The gift of a piano not only fills a home with beautiful music but also opens a world of creativity, self-expression, and personal growth. Explore the impact it can have on the lives of those who receive it. A Gateway to Musical Expression Imagine the delight on the face of a loved one as they unwrap the gift of a piano. This magnificent...

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How Music Engages Both Sides of the Brain and Benefits Children

Music has long been recognized as a powerful art form that transcends boundaries and touches our souls. It is not only a source of entertainment but also a remarkable tool for cognitive development. One fascinating aspect of music is its ability to engage both sides of the brain simultaneously, leading to numerous benefits for children. Did you know that music activates and harmonizes the left and right hemispheres of the brain? That’s why it can be beneficial to start your child in private music lessons. Did you know that music bridges both the left and right side of the brain?...

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Music Lessons Foster Self-Esteem in Children and Adolescents

When the giggles and carefree joys of early childhood give way to the stress and peer pressures of the preteen and adolescent years, it’s important to encourage young people to believe in themselves and keep trying new things. Children and adolescents face various challenges to their self-esteem, and learning to play a musical instrument can be an avenue to positive self-awareness. The journey of mastering an instrument not only cultivates a love for music but also instills a sense of accomplishment, resilience and confidence in a young person. Learning to play a musical instrument requires dedication, practice and perseverance. A...

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Your Child’s Success in Orchestra Starts with the Right Viola Rental at Meyer Music

Viola rental and learning to play the musical instrument are crucial phases in your child's life for scores of reasons. Playing music has numerous positive effects on the brain. Musicians use their brains more efficiently to process information by using almost every area of the brain. Playing an instrument also forces musicians to use both sides of their brains, the left (the logical side) and the right (the creative side). Between brain responses and the learning experiences, the result is your child’s enhanced cognitive capacities, decision making, motivation to learn and self-confidence. According to a study published in the Journal...

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How Should You Care For Your Musical Instrument?

Ah, summer, the season of slack. There’s less stuff we have to do in the summer, and more time for things we want to do. Summer is also a time to get things squared away: weed the garden, wash the car, clean the garage, organize the closet. So, while you’re in your summer square-away mode, don’t forget to take care of your musical instruments. When is the last time your band or orchestra student had their instrument professionally cleaned, tuned, adjusted, lubricated and repaired? Chances are that instrument has been played a lot, cased and carried, and taken in and...

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What’s the Best Age for Kids to Learn Piano?

What’s the Best Age for Kids to Learn Piano? Parents often ask, “When should my child start taking piano lessons?” The answer varies, but many children are ready around age six. Some may start as early as four or five, while others might need to wait a bit longer. To help determine if your child is ready, consider the following questions: Is My Child Ready for Piano Lessons? 1. Does My Child Have Basic Fine Motor Skills and Finger Strength? If your child can manipulate small objects or use a computer keyboard, they likely have the dexterity and strength needed...

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Choosing the Right Musical Instrument for Your Child

Children benefit in many ways from learning to play a musical instrument. But which instrument is the right one for your child? The choices range from piccolo to piano, trumpet to tuba, and baritone saxophone to bass guitar.  Children are unique, and the right choice for your child may not be the instrument their best friend plays. This is an important decision you don’t want to make more than once. Get it right the first time, so your child doesn’t ask to stop learning one instrument and start over with another. If your kid shows interest in learning to play...

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