
The latest news from Meyer Music and interesting stories from around the Kansas City band and orchestra scene.

Young Musicians Need Extra Support

Playing an instrument is an art form. And in art, there is a common misconception that for young musicians it will just… come naturally. But like anything else in life, mastering an instrument comes only after hours and hours of work and dedication. Which is good news. It means anyone can become a musician, so long as they put in the time and effort. As the parent of a band or orchestra student, there are simple ways you can encourage your young musician. Early on, most parents will have to take the lead to develop good habits. But as your...

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Wondering How You Can Support Your Band and Orchestra Student?

Here’s Some Advice from Parents Who’ve Been There If you have an older child who has been through band or orchestra classes, then you probably already know the drill; you know what helps with success and what doesn’t. However, if learning an instrument is brand new, you might be wondering what you can do to help your student enjoy the journey and gain some lifelong skills in the process. Meyer Music opened in 1966 and has since been supporting music education with band and orchestra instrument rental and sales, music lessons, back-to-school nights, and regional wide support for district and...

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