
The latest news from Meyer Music and interesting stories from around the Kansas City band and orchestra scene.

A Parent’s Guide to Band or Orchestra Instrument Rentals with Meyer Music

Your child comes home from school, wide-eyed with excitement and announces, “I want to join the band or orchestra and play an instrument!” While this news is thrilling, it also brings up a host of questions. Where do you start? Should you rent or buy an instrument? How does the whole process of renting an instrument work? It’s time to do some research, and Meyer Music is here to guide you. Meyer Music partners directly with Kansas City Metro and Overland Park area school district music directors, ensuring we have exactly what your young musician needs for band or orchestra....

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Everything You Need to Know About Enrolling Your Child in Private Music Lessons

If your child has expressed an interest in learning to play a musical instrument or is already taking band or orchestra in school and needs more one-on-one instruction, enrolling them in private lessons is the best way to help them hone their talent. Our team at Meyer Music answers many questions about music lessons, ranging from benefits to differentiation between private and school instructors and more. Below are some of the most frequently asked questions about lessons. At What Age Should I Enroll My Child in Private Music Lessons? There is no definitive “right” age to begin taking music lessons....

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